Create A New Pool
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Last updated
Anyone can propose a new pool which will be voted on-chain. To rally support and engage participation, you can use this proposal template and submit onto the forum to gather sentiment and feedback.
Create a new Pool
Create a new Pool with Bootstrap Program
Add Incentive Program
All-in-One Proposal
Once you are ready for a vote, then please follow the guide below to create an on-chain proposal.
The proposer must have enough a minimum deposit of
200 ACA on Acala Network, or have a council member to submit it on behalf
100 KAR on Karura Network, or have a council member to submit it on behalf.
This is to generate and submit the actual on-chain execution (namely preimage).
Go to Polkadot webapp, choose the network you are proposal to e.g. Acala or Karura, then navigate to Governance
- Democracy
Click on Submit preimage
button to generate the proposal hash.
A) Create a scheduler call to set a starting time for listing
Select scheduler.schedule
for the proposal to execute at a specific block.
When: enter block number for the Bootstrap program to start.
Priority: 255 (default, changing to other priority may cause proposal to be rejected for network safety reasons)
Call: select dex.enableTradingPair
B) Enter listing token pair
Select TokenA and TokenB (Follow the guide here to create a new token)
Copy the preimage hash and submit the preimage.
2) Submit the Proposal
On the Governance - Democracy
page, click on the Submit Proposal
button, and paste the preimage hash there.
Click the Submit proposal
button, and now your Referendum Proposal is online.
At any given time, there may be multiple proposals created. Only the most seconded (voted or supported) proposal will be tabled in for the next Referenda vote. Acala and Karura follows the Polkadot governance framework with their own set of parameters, read more on Polkadot governance process here.
If you want to list a token using the Bootstrap Program, please follow the guide below:
This is to generate and submit the actual on-chain execution (namely preimage).
Go to Polkadot webapp, choose the network you are proposal to e.g. Acala or Karura, then navigate to Governance
- Democracy
Click on Submit preimage
button to generate the proposal hash.
A) Create a scheduler call to set a starting time for listing
Select scheduler.schedule
for the proposal to execute at a specific block.
When: enter block number for the Bootstrap program to start.
Priority: 255 (default, changing to other priority may cause proposal to be rejected for network safety reasons)
Call: select dex.listProvisioning
B) Enter Bootstrap Program details
Token A and Token B: select token type and select token symbol or enter tokenId
currencyId is network native assets
currencyId refers to assets from other chains
minContributionA: minimum contribution for Token A e.g. 1 token. Decimal is the same as token A decimal
minContributionB: minimum contribution for Token B e.g. 1 token. Decimal is the same as token B decimal
targetProvisionA: minimum liquidity requirement for Token A
targetProvisionB: minimum liquidity requirement for Token B
Not Before: enter a block number. the pool cannot be started before this block number
Note: you must enter the full decimal number. Find out decimals for Acala Assets and Karura Assets.
A liquidity pool can only be started once the following criteria are met:
The Not Before
block has passed AND
Either Target Provision for Token A
OR Target Provision for Token B
has been met AND
Both Token A and Token has >0 liquidity
Remember to copy the preimage hash and submit the preimage
2) Submit the Proposal
On the Governance - Democracy
page, click on the Submit Proposal
button, and paste the preimage hash there.
Click the Submit proposal
button, and now your Referendum Proposal is online.
At any given time, there may be multiple proposals created. Only the most seconded (voted or supported) proposal will be tabled in for the next Referenda vote. Acala and Karura follows the Polkadot governance framework with their own set of parameters, read more on Polkadot governance process here.
Once a liquidity pool meets the following criteria:
The Not Before
block has passed AND
Either Target Provision for Token A
OR Target Provision for Token B
has been met AND
You need to send the following transaction to trigger the pool to begin trading:
Navigate to Developer
- Submission
Select dex.endProvisioning
Token A and Token B shall be the same as when you create the Bootstrap Program
Submit the Transaction and your pool will now be open for trading.