How to get mining rewards
How to Liquidity Mine on Karura Swap
There are 4 steps
Check prerequisites
Become a liquidity provider
Stake LP tokens
1. Check prerequisites
Check incentive programs
Bridge Assets
Get Stablecoin
Most trading pairs are against the Acala stablecoin. You can either purchase them on the swap or borrow them via the Acala stablecoin protocol
2. Become a liquidity provider
3. Stake LP Tokens
LP tokens are liquid, transferrable, and withdrawable. The incentive program requires you to stake/lock LP tokens so that the liquidity stays in the relative pool.
If you participated in the Karura Swap Bootstrap, you will need to claim LP tokens and stake them (read about Bootstrap here & claim LP tokens here)
Otherwise, you can stake the LP tokens as you add liquidity.
Acala Network
Stake LP tokens here
Karura Network
Stake LP tokens here.
4. Unstake and Withdraw Liquidity
You can unstake LP tokens at any time. Then LP tokens are unlocked, and become transferrable. You can then withdraw liquidity (withdraw respective token pairs) out of the pool.
Trading fees are calculated and withdrawn at the same time as liquidity is withdrawn.
Your rewards are withdrawn when unstake, no further rewards will be earned for these liquidity
You can claim your rewards anytime, however, if rewards are claimed before program ends, Loyalty Bonus will be returned to the pool to be shared by other LPs
Last updated